I don’t know why I’m ever skeptical of silent films that are highly regarded. I’m always so hesitant to watch - surely they’d be dated by now. But with The Passion of Joan of Arc, Chaplin’s silent films, and now this, I’m ditching that skepticism for good. What an awesome film. Terrible in the biblical sense. Strikingly relevant even today.
Favorite moments (incomplete and in no order):
- The legend of THE TOWER OF BABEL” - what a beautifully framed sequence (literally, love the creative vignette), and a really interesting take on the story.
- Freder’s struggle over the clock. The end of his shift is seconds away... and then the hands of the clock move backwards. Everyone who’s worked a day in their life can relate.
- Brigitte Helm!! What a crazy performance. To swing between two extremes of acting like that... just incredible. Also... Saoirse Ronan is clearly her reincarnated.
- The chase scene in the catacombs. Very inventive use of light and framing. Brigitte Helm’s movements are almost dance-like.
- Speaking of dance-like... the robot Maria’s dancing is hilarious. Literally the most goofy dancing caught on film and all the dudes in attendance are like 👁️🫦👁️
- The creatively animated intertitles were incredible. A lost art for sure.
- The montage of the eyes and then of the faces watching the robot Maria.