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When you find someone you love so much, it’s easy to clam up. To become wooden. To have dry lips. To actually tremble at the thought of reaching out your hand to them. In Carol’s early moments, Therese is literally stunned by Carol in this way. Clearly she’s attracted. But she can’t make a move – how could she in her presence? Carol recognizes this and guides her gently along by the shoulder. She makes the moves and Therese follows willingly.
The grammar of the film makes this tension so insanely palpable. The soft focus on the even softer fur of Carol’s coat. The way we watch her fingers depress the buttons on the dashboard. How loud every small sound is in the room with her. Everything works together to beckon Therese to follow.
In the end, Therese doesn’t follow. She rejects Carol’s propositions. Instead, she approaches Carol on her own terms, each on level footing, with an endless sunrise ahead.