Well I’m heading home! Our last two days in Thailand were very low key. Less bussing around and more walking through neighborhoods.
Went back to The Loft Cafe and had an orange iced coffee which was lovely. The shop seems like it’s run by true coffee aficionados. Framed coffee tasting wheels, Thai coffee magazines, a siphon brewer. Even a roaster in the back but I don’t know if they actively roast their beans. I should have grabbed an espresso in retrospect. The coffee scene in Chiang Mai in general has been top notch. Would really love to come back and seek out the best cafés. 😛

Even the coffee shop attached to the hotel, 49 Coffee, was pretty decent. Lovely setting and design at least. I had an espresso this morning that was pretty good, at least on par with most neighborhood shops in the states.

And two days ago I had an iced latte that took an approach I’d heard of but never tried, at Cup Fine Day: frozen coffee cubes in milk. Scrumptious until you’re left with the cubes. Then it’s a bitter crunch to finish it off.

Suffice to say: good coffee here. Aside from that, great food as well. Had tom kha and phanaeng and both were spicy and scrumptious.